Div. 1 Women : Spring League Apr 28 to June 16, 2015
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As some of you know, there was an issue with participation in Women’s Div 1 this season. In response to this, we are proposing a format change for Div 1 to try to make playing a bit easier for everyone and provide fun, competitive matches for all players.
We would like to do a trial run of this new format this spring. It would be on Tuesdays starting April 28 and end June 16.
Each week, all teams will play at the same host club on a rotating basis.. The clubs participating are Vancouver Racquets Club, Van Lawn, Jericho and Evergreen (to be confirmed).
The goal is to make it fun: come out for a good run, cheer on your team mates, and win prizes! There will be a draw for “door prizes” every league night and all players will be entered to win a gift basket on June 16.
What is the new format?
As a general guideline, players should have a minimum of 1000 points. However, some players (such as juniors) may not have points that reflect their skill level, so the squash pro at your club can advise you on this.
We will pool players that have signed up. You can sign up choosing to play a) full-time; b) part-time or c) spare. Spares will be available to all teams.
As much as possible players will be kept with their respective clubs but the priority is to have balanced teams so that all players have competitive matches.
The team line-up will be 4 players. We hope to have at least 4 teams.
2 to 3 women from the Div 1 pool will act as Division coordinators.
Meals, snacks and beverages afterwards are optional but will be paid for out-of-pocket by individual players.
What do you need to do?
Sign up!! Get your club mates to sign up!!
It’s easy. Just send an email to vsldiv1women@gmail.com. We’ll do the rest!
This is a trial for the 2015/16 season. If we get positive feedback we will move forward with this change. If there is a lack of response there may be an assumption that there is a lack of interest in women’s Div 1 period.
If you would like to participate in this format for Div 1 during the 2015/16 season but are unable to participate in the trial, please send us a note to let us know!
If you know of anyone who might be interested in this trial league that isn’t currently playing in the VSL please PASS THIS EMAIL ON!
Have any questions or feedback?
Contact Nicola Martin or Anna Kirbyson at vsldiv1women@gmail.com
2014/2015 Playoff Winners
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Congratulations to the following teams for winning the playoffs!
Women’s Div 1
Alicia Haneine
Cathy Covernton
Laura Ramsay
Lauren Ashikian
Cathy Brown
Dana Merritt
Lucia Bicknell
Lisa Chiasson
Jenna Dhanani
Bonnie Cooney
Annette Johanson
Frances Frost
Donna Pakulak
Valerie Johnson
Melissa Troll
Diane Grady
Women’s Div 2/3 – Upper bracket
Bernadette Bradbury
Sandra White
Alisha Rahemtulla
Kim Ross
Cynthia Cao
Katherine Owen
Meira Padda
Sarah Cao
Women’s Div 2/3 – Lower bracket
RIV 2A BS Boasters
Lisa Gifford
Josephine Guevara
Wendy Peare
Corina Lynn
Shelley Neil
Berny Schulz
Sarah Magnus
Women’s Div 4
Deborah Baxter
Lorraine June
Donalda Meyers
Vicki Hibbeln
Rose Pagnotta
Linda Dumont
Raylene Ferguson
Sarah Cao
Sherry Ernst
Tracey Taylor
Katherine Owen
Women’s Div 5
Marlene Perera
Debbie Hawes
Christine Manhao
Zoe Stronge
Judy Harrison
Kathleen Fraser
Debbi Hlady
Kristin Rupert
Jennifer Yeung
Wendy Tweedy
Women’s Div 6
BAY 6 Squashettes
Sandy Ouellette
Martha Leigh
Joanna Scott
Ellen Challinor
Janice St. Claire
Luce Turgeon
Monica Burnett
Louise Latremouille
Dorothy Bayley
Tina Gemeinhardt
Open Div 1
Colin Whitney
Morgan Latremouille
Carolyn Russell
Patrick Francois
Sam Scivier
Mitchell Kahnert
Ryan Picken
Liam Leidekker
David Noone
Adrian Dingle
Heather Yong
Mark Ridgeway
Rumi Tejpar
Grant Bergman
Open Div 2
David Bauman
Jeff Boag
Robert Ockeloen
Don Leslie
Derek Smith
Andrew Jones
Patrick Frost
Stuart Clark
Charlie Cleghorn
Ben Ferraro
Neil Johansen
Robert Johnson
Wesley Fong
Open Div 3
EVE I3 Kazers
James Stobie
Randy Johal
Jason Hingley
Brian Maclean
Lee Meller
Simon Bicknell
Karel Matzner
Snehal Lakhani
Matt Bicknell
Riaz Mavani
Sayeed Mavani
Cathy Covernton
Bryan Hack
Open Div 4
RIV D4 Chiefs
Bryan Hall
Tristan D’Cunha
Nazir Hirji
Chris Hall
Peter Lowenstein
Keith Poulin
Dan Rae
Yuliy Ilin
Jack Sandhu
Robert Rahn
Open Div 5
Brodie Kristensen
Bryan Kinney
Keith Bootle
Stephen Pyne
Bruce Madu
James Clift
Kiya Hushyar
Bryan Fogelman
Mario Garzona
Allan Derry
Open Div 6
Matt Bicknell
Bryan Askin
Tony Hemy
Matt Brikis
Andres Haneine
Matt Warner
Derek Andrew
David Fenn
Mike Zuccaro
Vincent Ramos
Ali Sadeghi
Open Div 7
BAY E7 Barracudas
Jeff von Ende
Giles Fenn
Myron Kinach
Per Hansen
Eamonn Gill
Benno Bucher
Darren Schrader
Stephen Maudee
Quinn Jordan-Knox
Godfrey Nash
Ron Soparlo
Jason Houghton
Colin Jones
2014/2015 Season Winners
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At the end of the 2014/2015 regular season these teams were in first place and will be promoted to the higher divisions. Congratulations!
Women’s Div 1
Carolyn Russell
Karen Levine
Carol Richards
Sue Wastie
Liana Schou
Ashley Clackson
Emma Parke
Nicola Martin
Heather Yong
Dara Sklar
Megan Picken
Max Hakh
Women’s Div 2/3 – Upper Bracket
Barb Wormald
Vicki Fenn
Alyson Brennan
Joan Hunter
Margaret Colbourne
Liesa MacCulloch
Julie Gillis
Linda McCabe
Dian Soparlo
Carly Soparlo
Sandy Ouellette
Women’s Div 2/3 – Lower bracket
RIV 2A BS Boasters
Lisa Gifford
Josephine Guevara
Wendy Peare
Corina Lynn
Shelley Neil
Berny Schulz
Sarah Magnus
Women’s Div 4
Tricia Mallia
Linda Desaulniers
Kristen Goldsmith
Jennifer West
Larissa Beardmore
Kyla Foley
Marlene Hecker
Caitlin Hungerford
Rebecca Marino
Catherine Jagger
Women’s Div 5
Marlene Perera
Debbie Hawes
Christine Manhao
Zoe Stronge
Judy Harrison
Kathleen Fraser
Debbi Hlady
Kristin Rupert
Jennifer Yeung
Wendy Tweedy
Women’s Div 6
Jarka Winter
Vivian Nelson
Marnie Costa
Karen Lane
Karen Ibbott
Casey Rumley
Agnes Chang
Kylie Ng
Kaitlin Lane
Christina Yap
Open Div 1
Andrew Lynn
Luke Vaggers
Aneal Galbaransingh
Ken Smith
Jeff Smithson
Adam Radziminski
Colin O’Connor
Geraint Khan
Tim Saunders
Andrew Clements
Open Div 2
Fraser Taylor-Mitchell
Dan Hodgins
Brett Garnett
Rashid Aziz
Tommy Paley
Megan Picken
Dennis Lee
Liam Leidekker
Greg Longster
Paul Sutton
Mitchell Kahnert
Aadam Tejpar
Timothy Vipond
Rumi Tejpar
Sean Clark
Matt Saunders
Chris Harley
Open Div 3
EVE I3 Kazers
James Stobie
Randy Johal
Jason Hingley
Brian Maclean
Lee Meller
Simon Bicknell
Karel Matzner
Snehal Lakhani
Matt Bicknell
Riaz Mavani
Sayeed Mavani
Cathy Covernton
Bryan Hack
Open Div 4
RIV D4 Chiefs
Bryan Hall
Tristan D’Cunha
Nazir Hirji
Chris Hall
Peter Lowenstein
Keith Poulin
Dan Rae
Yuliy Ilin
Jack Sandhu
Robert Rahn
Open Div 5
Tim Gudewill
John West
Oscar Pottinger
Alistair Sale
Michael McIsaac
Tom Urban
Mark Damm
Mike Tamaki
David Rosenberg
Chris Wallace
Gary Macey
Dave Jackson
Open Div 6
Raymond Wai Phu
David Simpson
Rick Aspin
Mark Chesser
Siegfried Born
Peter Schulz
Jason Fleury
Flois Aranas
Yu Quan Ng
Moh Ng
Clayton Haigh
Emerson Chan
Open Div 7
BAY E7 Barracudas
Jeff von Ende
Giles Fenn
Myron Kinach
Per Hansen
Eamonn Gill
Benno Bucher
Darren Schrader
Stephen Maudee
Quinn Jordan-Knox
Godfrey Nash
Ron Soparlo
Jason Houghton
Colin Jones
Attention VSL members: The 2015 VSL AGM will be held at the Jericho Tennis Club on April 18th, 2015 at 3pm.
The AGM will be followed by the finals for Div 1 Women (JER A1 vs EVE A1) at 5pm followed by DIV 1 Open (BEN A1 vs JER 1). The Wrap Party begins at 7pm with live music by Danny Echo.
The AGM is open to all members of the Vancouver Squash League including players, club organizers and professionals. Each CLUB is allowed ONE vote per team to a maximum of ten (10) votes.
Members who are unable to attend in person are asked to download a proxy and return it via email to the league coordinator no later than April 25th.
10.1.2 A proxy may be used at the AGM. A proxy form must be signed only by the captain of a team and may be given to anyone of his/her choosing who is attending in person at the AGM. The proxy form will be used for voting on matters that are listed on the AGM agenda only, where the captain has given his/her vote(s) to their proxy on those matters, and not on matters raised for the first time and voted on at the AGM.
- Introductions
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of minutes of 2014 AGM – Saturday, April 26, 2014
- Voting procedure and quorum
- Chairperson’s Report
- League Coordinator’s Report
- Financial Report – Budget and Balance Sheet
- Women’s Div 1 – Plans for 2015/2016 season
- Super Div 2/3 – Plans for 2015/2016 season
- Rule 7.3.4 – Motion to amend
- 2015/16 Board of Directors Nominations and Elections
- New Business
- Adjournment
The minutes from the 2014 AGM are available for download as a Word document: VSL_2014_AGM_Minutes
The 2014 Income Statement is also available for download as a PDF: VSL 2014 AGM Financials
Click here to download your VSL_2015_Proxy_Vote
2015 Wrap Party & AGM
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The 2015 VSL Wrap Party & AGM will take place at the Jericho Tennis Club on Saturday, April 18, 2015.
Schedule of events:
3pm – AGM
5pm – Women’s Div 1 finals followed by Open Div 1 finals
7pm – SQUASH PARTY with live music by Danny Echo
Everyone is welcome. This event is free:)
Most Sporting Team 2014/2015 – Vote Now!
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Each year the VSL asks the captains of every team in every division to send us their choice for the most sporting team in their division. This is the team that may have the best referees, the best dinners, the endless full pints, the most honest players or something that sets them apart from all the other teams.
Captains, ask your team who they want to vote for and then send your vote (one vote per team please) to info@vancouversquashleague.com
Votes will be accepted until Monday, April 13 at 5pm: Be sure to include your team name and division. Winning teams will be presented their plaques at the Wrap Party which is being held at the Jericho Tennis Club on Saturday, April 18, 2015.
2015 VSL Playoffs
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2015 PCO at VRC
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2015 Pacific Coast Open Squash Tournament at the Vancouver Racquets Club
Dates: March 25-29th
Registration deadline is March 19th.
Thursday night is Ladies Night!
More info: http://vrc.bc.ca/pacific-coast-open
2015 Easter Bunny at Comox Squash Club
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2015 Easter Bunny at Comox Squash Club
Dates: March 27-29
More info: http://www.comoxvalleysquash.com/
2015 King of the Courts at Bonsor
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23rd annual King of the Courts Squash Tournament
Dates : March 3-7 2015
Cost of event: $45 early bird price (ends February 10th) $60 on or after February 11th
What does entry include? Tournament T-shirt, draw prizes, placement prizes, end of tournament banquet dinner
Deadline to register: Thursday, February 26th
Where do they register? www.sportyhq.com or by calling 604-297-4576
Registrants must fill out a registration package available from Kaylee.price@burnaby.ca or by calling 604-297-4576