2015 Jericho Open

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The 2015 Jericho Open, presented by Pacific Quorum, takes place November 4-8, 2015. Entry for adults is $70 and the deadline to register is October 28th.

Register at www.jerichosquash.ca


SportyHQ Rankings Update

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Rankings Update

From SportyHQ:

Many of you have commented or sent an email asking what was going on with the rankings this past weekend as you noticed some very unusual fluctuations. SportyHQ was running an update program to correct the instances when a member wasn’t assigned an initial ranking. When first launched the program has a self ranking program in place, but it was very tough for people to correctly gauge their skill level accurately which led to further problems. Currently the club administrators for each club can set an initial ranking for players within the first 2 weeks of joining. However there are some clubs that don’t have a professional, or somebody to intake new players. As players played more matches, and didn’t have a ranking, it became a bigger problem.

This past weekend SportyHQ ran an update to initialize those without a ranking. Because of the huge amounts of data being crunched, you would likely have seen your ranking jump up and down a few times on the weekend. They have completed this now, and for 90% of people, there was a slight deflationary outcome to their ranking. Don’t fear, the algorithm hasn’t changed, nor were any results manipulated. It was simply a system wide update. Hope this helps people understand what was going on this weekend. Should you have questions, you can contact the Squash BC Office.

Captain’s Guide

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If you’re a new captain or it’s your first time using SportyHQ to organize your team please download the latest edition of the VSL Captains Guide 2015

Captain's Guide


VSL Junior Guidelines

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The Vancouver Squash League (VSL) is an adult squash league that encourages the participation of juniors. Team Captains, parents and juniors should be aware of issues that may need to be addressed when juniors are playing in an adult oriented league. It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to be aware of these issues and to make all expectations known to the junior(s) playing on the team. The VSL has created some guidelines to assist with the incorporation of juniors that we hope will help everyone enjoy their season.

The following are guidelines and do not form part of the VSL Rules.


  1. Regardless of age, all players in the VSL are held to the same standard of conduct both on and off the court.
  2. Regardless of age, all players in the VSL are expected to contribute to, and benefit from, the cost of socializing after their matches.
  3. Team Captains are expected to talk to the junior and parent/guardian and establish whether they have any particular concerns about joining an adult league, including socializing, being in a change room with adults and being transported to and from a match by somebody other than a parent/guardian.  Team Captains are also expected to communicate with the junior(s) and parent/guardian during the season to ensure that everybody’s expectations are being met.
  4. Generally, a Team should not consistently play more than two (2) juniors per week.
  5. Recognizing that a junior’s ability generally develops at a quicker pace than an adult’s ability, a junior should not begin the season as the top ranked player on a team unless there is no other appropriate division in which the junior can play.
  6. All junior players are required to wear appropriate eye guards as per Squash Canada’s eye guard policy.
  7. All players on a Team are expected to assist in refereeing duties.

Questions surrounding the participation of juniors in the VSL and these Guidelines should be directed to the attention of the VSL’s Junior Representative via email to info@vancouversquashleague.com

2015 Captain’s Social

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ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, from 6-8pm, AT THE JERICHO TENNIS CLUB, the Vancouver Squash League (VSL) is hosting a “Captain’s Social” for all VSL captains and co-captains. This brief information session will include an overview of a captain’s job requirements, league rules overview and a SportyHQ demo. There will also be a question and answer period and FREE BEER AND APPETIZERS.

This is a great event for captains to get up to speed on the league before it starts and it’s our way of saying “THANKS”. First-time captains are strongly recommended to attend If you are a league team captain and can’t attend please send your co-captain.

RSVP by September 18th to be entered in a prize draw: info@vancouversquashleague.com


2015 Women’s Squash Week Events

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The following clubs will be opening their doors to women interested in trying the sport of squash. Meet other players, play casual round robin games, sign up for league teams, enjoy some snacks and refreshments and learn about upcoming women’s squash events. These events are for women NEW to the game of squash. We’re looking for players of all ages and skill levels.

You DO NOT need to be a member to participate, these FREE events are open to all women members and non-members. Goggles and racquets will be provided.

Please contact the club nearest you to register before September 15 to get your souvenir Women’s Squash Week t-shirt!

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Friday, Sept 18th

6:00 to 8:30pm

Whistler Meadowpark Squash Courts
8625 Highway 99, Whistler, BC
Register by email: debbihlady@gmail.com
Limited to first 16 players.

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Wednesday, Sept 23rd

6:00 to 9:00pm
Sunday, Sept 27th
12 noon to 4:00pm

Bonsor Recreation Complex
6550 Bonsor Avenue, Burnaby, BC
Register online: www.Burnaby.ca/webreg for event called “Skills and Drills I”.
For Wednesday’s event please use barcode “386213”.
For Sunday’s event please use barcode “386209”.
You can also register by phone by calling 604-297-4597 or in person at any city of Burnaby facility.

View Larger Map

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Thursday, Sept 24th

6:00 to 9:00pm
Evergreen Squash Club
1802 Glenaire Dr, North Vancouver
Register by email: squashpro@evergreensquash.com
or call Cathy: (604) 787-3097


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Saturday, Sept 26th
Noon – 4pm
Vancouver Racquets Club
4867 Ontario Street, Vancouver BC
Contact: Bev Lawton – bevlawton@hotmail.com

View Larger Map

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Saturday, Sept 26th
11:30am – 3:30pm
The River Club
11111 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, BC
Contact: John Fleury
(604) 272-4400
Karyn Trombley

View Larger Map

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Saturday, Sept 26th
3:30 – 5:30pm
Jericho Tennis Club
3837 Point Grey Road, Vancouver, BC

Register by email: athletics@jericho.ca

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Sept 19th – 27th
Free Drop In for women

Sept 27th
Free Round Robin Event
Register by email:

Nanaimo Squash Club
256 Wallace St, Nanaimo, BC

Women’s Div 1 > New Format for 2015/2016 Season

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As some of you know, participation in Women’s Div. 1 was down last season. A variety of reasons for this drop were suggested and in response to these suggestions the VSL held a Women’s Div 1 Spring League with a new format. Teams were created based on skill level rather than club affiliation and this made for fun, competitive matches for all players. Hosting was made optional and all teams were able to share players, when necessary, from a “spare pool”.

Based on overwhelming positive feedback from the trial, the VSL has decided to move forward with a trial version of that new format for the 2015/16 season.

This season will be a trial period and the league will assess near the end of the season whether to continue with this format for future years.



Send an email to info@vancouversquashleague.com BEFORE September 15, 2015 and we’ll do the rest. Let us know:

1) Your preference for playing:

a) full-time,

b) part-time or

c) spare?

2) Would you like to be a team captain?

3) Does your club have a Women’s Div 1 team?

a) If you are a member of JER, EVE or VRC you must also register with your club and pay the appropriate fees to join league in addition to letting us know about their desire to play in Div 1.

b) If your club is not listed above that’s okay, we’ll place you with a team! Sign up by emailing the league coordinator at info@vancouversquashleague.com. There will be a registration fee for these players that will be distributed to their team’s club that season as per a regular league participant.




(i) Who can play?

As a general guideline, players should have a minimum of 1,000 ranking points. However, some players (such as juniors) may not have points that reflect their skill level, so they should check with the squash pro at their club before signing up.

Players below 1,000 ranking points who would like to play in Div 1 will likely be placed in the “spare pool”. If you would like to play full time in league, then we strongly recommend you register as a regular player for Div 2 and register as a spare for Div 1.

The VSL will pool players that have signed up and create a minimum of four equitable teams.

You can sign up choosing to play a) full-time; b) part-time or c) spare.

Spares will be available to all teams.

New this season: Players that don’t have a Div 1 women’s team will sign up by emailing the league coordinator at info@vancouversquashleague.com. There will be a registration fee for these players that will be distributed to their team’s club that season as per a regular league participant.

NOTE: All players must register for league with their club as normal in addition to letting us know about their desire to play in Div 1.

(ii) Teams and Team Captains

The team line-up will be 4 or 5 players depending on participation and there will be at least 4 teams.

We’re hoping to have people volunteer to be team captains but we may ask players if there aren’t enough.

Players will be kept with their respective clubs, as much as possible, but the priority is to have balanced teams so that all players have competitive matches.  It will be important for captains to communicate with one another to coordinate matches to ensure players are as closely matched as realistically possible.

(iii) Host Clubs

Just like last season, each week teams will play at the host clubs on a rotating basis. The clubs participating are Vancouver Racquets Club, Jericho and Evergreen.

The VSL will determine the designated HOME team and the designated visiting team for each night in the league schedule. The HOME team will be responsible for reffing that night.

(iv) Scoring

Teams have the choice of playing PAR 11 or PAR 15. Both captains must agree on the scoring system or play PAR 15. All matches should be played with the same scoring system.

(v) Team Responsibilities

The HOME team is responsible for refereeing matches and entering scores into SportyHQ. Team hosting is no longer a requirement in this division but players are encouraged to socialize after the matches.

(vi) Player Costs

Players must register with their clubs and pay the appropriate fees to join league. There is no additional cost, such as club drop-in fees, to play in the new format.



Please email the League Coordinator:  info@vancouversquashleague.com.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in participating, who isn’t currently playing in the VSL, please let them know about this.

2015-16 Doubles Tournament Calendar

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September 14-20
• Early Bird @ VRC

October 22-25
• Wrightson Cup Doubles in Portland (USA)
October 30-Nov 1
• Edmonton Open (Alberta)
• San Francisco Doubles Open (USA)

November 20-22
• Western Canadians @ Evergreen

December 4-6
• Gamble Doubles @ VRC

January 20-24
• Calgary Open Doubles (Alberta)
January 29-31
• PCO @ San Francisco (USA)

February 12-14
• Jesters Doubles @ VRC
February 19-21
• Alberta Mixed @ Edmonton (Alberta)
February 25-28
• BC Open Doubles and Mixed @ TBC

March 16-20
• Alberta Open Doubles @ Calgary (Alberta)

April 1-3
• Canadian Nationals @Calgary (Alberta)
April 29 – May 1
• Canadian Mixed Nationals @ Toronto (Ontario)

July 12-16, 2016
• Evergreen Summer Doubles @ Evergreen

2015/2016 Divisional Alignments > Open

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These are the divisional alignments for the Open divisions for next season. Club professionals are asked to confirm with their captains and players and let the league coordinator know of any requested changes, or new team requests, as soon as possible.



UPDATED DRAFT #3 – August 7



DRAFT # 2 – July 4

UPDATE: There were some issues with the ranking of teams due to SportyHQ including playoff results into the season totals. The new alignments below show end of season totals (which dictate whether teams are promoted or relegated) as well as playoff totals.

As of July 14, 2015, the following requests have been submitted to the VSL Board – in this order:

  1. HOL requests a NEW Div 4 Open team
  2. HOL requests a NEW Div 6 Open team
  3. BON C4 Open requests to stay in Div 4
  4. BEN requests a NEW Div 2 Open team
  5. BEN C3 Div 3 Open team – DROPPED
  6. VRC B2 In the Nick Open requests to move up and fill the BYE in Div 1 Open
  7. SCF 1 TC Open requests to stay in Div 1 Open
  8. BAY E7 Barracudas Open – Now playing out of The River Club
  9. EVE B1 Open – DROPPED
  10. ARB requests a NEW Div 4 OR Div 5 Open team
  11. BON 2 WB Open requests to stay in Div 2
  12. EVE B6 Open requests to move up to Div 5
  13. VRC requests one of it’s 3 DIV 3 OPEN teams move to DIV 4
  14. HOL A2 DIV 2 Open requests to move up to Div 1
  15. BON B3 Open requests to stay in Div 3

NOTE: Only the DROPPED teams are reflected in the alignments below.



2015/2016 Board Members

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Please welcome these Members of the Board for the 2015/2016 season:

Mark Ingram (JER)
Mark has been the Chair of the Vancouver Squash League since 2000.
He plays Div 2 and is a Level B1 Referee.

Code of Conduct Director
Linda Dumont (BON)
Linda is the third signing officer of the VSL.

Junior Representative
Colin Edstrom (BEN)
Colin joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

League Coordinator
Robert Pacey
Robert has been a director of the VSL since 2000. He has been the League Coordinator since 2008/2009.

Amer Khakwany (BEN)
Amer joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

Rory Johnston (BEN)
Rory joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

Lauren Price (VRC)
Lauren’s first year on the board was 2014/2015.

Social Director
Alison Oxton (JER)
The 2010/2011 season marked Alison’s first on the board.

Jennifer Louie
Jennifer joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

Women’s Representative
Anna Kirbyson
Anna joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.



Debbi Hlady (BAY)
The 2013/2014 season marked Debbi’s first on the board.

Caitlin Mischki (BEN)
Caitlin joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

Nathan Ozog (BEN)
Nathan joined the board in the 2015/2016 season.

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