Default penalty now in effect.
Filed Under Rules
As of Monday, January 17, 2011, teams will be automatically penalized one point for each position where either no one played or where a player who is not a member of Squash BC played. (In either case, the home captain will have entered a “Default/Guest” into the match scores.)
The “Default/Guest” penalty has been in effect all season but what is new is that you will no longer be able to enter ANY points for your “Default/Guest”: A score of ZERO will be the only score QuickDraws will allow you to record when you enter “Default/Guest”.
In cases where the “Default/Guest” player won the match QuickDraws will now record it as a loss for the “Default/Guest” player and a 3-0 win for the player who is a Squash BC member. (This scenario can be corrected if the player is signed up with Squash BC within one week.)
In the case where your team had a player available and your opponent could not field a player (an actual “Default/Guest”) please ensure you enter your player’s name in the results or QuickDraws will record it as a ZERO – ZERO tie.
Captains who recruit non-members to play on their team have ONE WEEK, from the date of the match, to sign the player up with Squash BC and have their points reinstated.
Captains who enter “Default/Guest” will no longer receive an email from the league coordinator advising them of penalties. It is the captain’s responsibility to forward the league coordinator proof of the player’s membership WITHIN ONE WEEK in order to have points reinstated.