The VSL is hiring.
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The Vancouver Squash League is currently accepting applications for League Coordinator.
The VSL is looking for an experienced, diplomatic and creative professional who can help in the day to day running of one of Canada’s oldest and most vibrant amateur sport leagues. Responsibilities include seasonal league setup, day-to-day running of league, liaising between the VSL board and players and updating league website among other duties.
Those who are interested in more information about the position are asked to send the league an email with an expression of interest and resume to
Competition opens: March 1, 2019
Competition closes: April 30, 2019
Interviews to be held in May.
Position start date: August 1, 2019
2019 Squash BC Awards Nomination Form
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DOWNLOAD the Squash BC Awards Nomination form.
For more information please visit the Squash BC website.
Family Day in BC
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Please note: Starting in 2019, Family Day will be on the third Monday of February, moving it in line with other provinces in Canada. The third week of February 2019 is Feb 18 so the VSL will not be hosting games on that date.
This change to the schedule only affects Open Divisions 1 through 6.
All games that were scheduled for Feb 18 have been moved to Feb 11 (the OLD BC Family Day.)
Thanks to Randy Mullock for bringing this change to the attention of the VSL.
The VSL welcomes KazLaw as their new sponsor
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We are happy to be able to finally announce the the VSL has a new sponsor: KazLaw Injury Lawyers is a top personal injury firm in Vancouver that was created to make a positive difference for injured victims.
The founding partner, Marc Kazimirski, has been a lawyer on some of the largest personal injury cases in British Columbia. He is active in the legal community and is the past President of the Trial Lawyers Association. Marc is an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Law and is teaching one of the first personal injury courses available at a Canadian law school.
Marc is committed to an active lifestyle and was an avid cyclist on the Canadian National Cycling team. More recently, Marc has become interested in racquet sports. He sponsors individual elite squash players in the Lower Mainland as well as the PSL.
KazLaw Injury Lawyers is proud to support the Vancouver Squash League. Have a safe and fun season!
The VSL Wants YOU!
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Nominations are now being accepted for board members for next season. For more information on duties and expectations please check our ABOUT US page.
Who should apply?
If you are a member of the VSL, you’ve read the above linked page and would like to help out, consider declaring your candidacy. Or if you know someone who would make a good board member, you can nominate them. Anyone who plays in the VSL is eligible to sit on our board.
We would LOVE to have a club professional or a Div 1 player on the board. Join us!
How are board members elected?
All declarations and nominations must be submitted to the League Coordinator via email (info at vancouversquashleague dot com) one week prior to the AGM, which will be held this year on Saturday, April 28, 2018. (If you’re nominating someone please make sure you include their email address so we can confirm they are indeed interested.) At the AGM, you will be asked to speak for 2-3 minutes about your background and your hopes and objectives for your term on the Board. Voting will then be done by secret ballot, and successful candidates announced at that AGM.
About 30% of the Board is elected each year, with terms lasting two years, to provide some continuity on a year-to-year basis.
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Women’s Div 1 > New Format for 2015/2016 Season
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As some of you know, participation in Women’s Div. 1 was down last season. A variety of reasons for this drop were suggested and in response to these suggestions the VSL held a Women’s Div 1 Spring League with a new format. Teams were created based on skill level rather than club affiliation and this made for fun, competitive matches for all players. Hosting was made optional and all teams were able to share players, when necessary, from a “spare pool”.
Based on overwhelming positive feedback from the trial, the VSL has decided to move forward with a trial version of that new format for the 2015/16 season.
This season will be a trial period and the league will assess near the end of the season whether to continue with this format for future years.
Send an email to BEFORE September 15, 2015 and we’ll do the rest. Let us know:
1) Your preference for playing:
a) full-time,
b) part-time or
c) spare?
2) Would you like to be a team captain?
3) Does your club have a Women’s Div 1 team?
a) If you are a member of JER, EVE or VRC you must also register with your club and pay the appropriate fees to join league in addition to letting us know about their desire to play in Div 1.
b) If your club is not listed above that’s okay, we’ll place you with a team! Sign up by emailing the league coordinator at There will be a registration fee for these players that will be distributed to their team’s club that season as per a regular league participant.
(i) Who can play?
As a general guideline, players should have a minimum of 1,000 ranking points. However, some players (such as juniors) may not have points that reflect their skill level, so they should check with the squash pro at their club before signing up.
Players below 1,000 ranking points who would like to play in Div 1 will likely be placed in the “spare pool”. If you would like to play full time in league, then we strongly recommend you register as a regular player for Div 2 and register as a spare for Div 1.
The VSL will pool players that have signed up and create a minimum of four equitable teams.
You can sign up choosing to play a) full-time; b) part-time or c) spare.
Spares will be available to all teams.
New this season: Players that don’t have a Div 1 women’s team will sign up by emailing the league coordinator at There will be a registration fee for these players that will be distributed to their team’s club that season as per a regular league participant.
NOTE: All players must register for league with their club as normal in addition to letting us know about their desire to play in Div 1.
(ii) Teams and Team Captains
The team line-up will be 4 or 5 players depending on participation and there will be at least 4 teams.
We’re hoping to have people volunteer to be team captains but we may ask players if there aren’t enough.
Players will be kept with their respective clubs, as much as possible, but the priority is to have balanced teams so that all players have competitive matches. It will be important for captains to communicate with one another to coordinate matches to ensure players are as closely matched as realistically possible.
(iii) Host Clubs
Just like last season, each week teams will play at the host clubs on a rotating basis. The clubs participating are Vancouver Racquets Club, Jericho and Evergreen.
The VSL will determine the designated HOME team and the designated visiting team for each night in the league schedule. The HOME team will be responsible for reffing that night.
(iv) Scoring
Teams have the choice of playing PAR 11 or PAR 15. Both captains must agree on the scoring system or play PAR 15. All matches should be played with the same scoring system.
(v) Team Responsibilities
The HOME team is responsible for refereeing matches and entering scores into SportyHQ. Team hosting is no longer a requirement in this division but players are encouraged to socialize after the matches.
(vi) Player Costs
Players must register with their clubs and pay the appropriate fees to join league. There is no additional cost, such as club drop-in fees, to play in the new format.
Please email the League Coordinator:
If you know of anyone who might be interested in participating, who isn’t currently playing in the VSL, please let them know about this.
3 Month Trial @ Evergreen Squash
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Evergreen Offers a $99 Three month Trial Membership Summer Special if you sign up before August 31st!
Want to Play Squash, Get Fit & Have Fun? Come and join us at Evergreen Squash Club in North Vancouver!!!
This includes full booking privileges to our five singles courts and doubles court, access to all leagues and ladders, gym access, plus a free lesson with one of our pros! And of course, our social events — of which there are many! The $99 can be put towards the one time initiation fee at the end of the trial period. Have a look at our website at for more info on the Club and facilities.
Contact Cathy Covernton, who also runs the Pro Shop and can get you kitted out for the court! Visit our website.
New Players Wanted!
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The Vancouver Squash League is actively looking for new players who want to play in our league. Watch out for these new posters going up at all member clubs in the Lower Mainland. Tell your friends! Our next season begins the last week of September 2014. Contact the VSL League Coordinator for more info:
Family Day is February 11, 2013
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Captains and players,
It has come to our attention that the civic holiday “Family Day”, which is Monday February 18th across the country, is actually planned for Monday February 11th in British Columbia.
Open divisions 2 – 6 are the only divisions that will be affected.
Div 1 is on an 8 team cycle and has to play on Monday Feb 11 and Monday Feb 18th as their 8 team division needs to complete more matches. The women’s divisions and Open Div 7 play on Tuesdays so are not affected.
All “Feb 11” dates have been switched to “Feb 18” on the QuickDraw schedules. Please double check your start times.
Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
BC Honda and the VSL announce a new partnership!
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The Vancouver Squash League is very pleased to announce that Squash BC and the BC Honda Dealers have signed a one year agreement that will see local BC Honda dealers emerge as front runners in supporting local squash throughout British Columbia. As of February 1 the VSL will be known as the BC Honda Vancouver Squash League.
The VSL board is very excited for their 900+ members and look forward to the many benefits that will result from this new relationship.